The ‘Survivor’ Award was given to Elsa, a pony discovered with a third-degree burn. pony named Elsa was found with a third-degree burn on the street and she could barely walk, hence she was awarded a prestigious award in recognition of her strength and will to live. Elsa was found abandoned on a remote lane in Tyne & Wear in January 2016, with infected, bleeding wounds on her upper hind legs. She was rushed to a vet, who gave her emergency treatment and pain relief before she was transferred to RSPCA Felledge Equine Centre in County Durham, where she received round-the-clock care.

The vet predicted her wounds were at least three days old by the time she was found. As her wounds started to heal, the skin became tight and sore. X-rays also revealed she had laminitis. After several months in a foster home, Elsa returned to Felledge and has started her introduction to ridden work. The pony, named after the Disney princess from Frozen due to the freezing conditions in which she was found, was awarded an RSPCA Survivor Animal honor at a ceremony in London on 26 June.

RSCPA chief executive Chris Sherwood also had a few thoughts on Elsa, ” Elsa was the clear winner for the judges — what an amazing story she has. What this plucky pony has gone through in her short life already is just unbelievable, but her strength and ability to bounce back and beat the odds is utterly inspiring.”


Lisa Paulin, manager at RSPCA Felledge Equine Centre who looked after Elsa since her rescue, paid tribute to all those involved in saving and rehabilitating the pony. “Now fit and well, Elsa has been enjoying her ridden work at the center, She is ready to move on to the next chapter in her life finding her forever home, where someone can offer her that love and security she very much deserves.”


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